Monday, June 18, 2012


This family is so much fun! I felt comfortable with them right off that bat. This was the session I really wanted to use my tent for....but it was waayyy to windy :( Buttt, we still got some gorgeous images of their family, anxiously awaiting thier new addition.

Click on photos to view larger images..(improves quality)

Love this little expression!

They are such a beautiful family!!!

Kisses for baby brother

Kisses for daddy <3

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stunning Alaura

Ok, Im not gonna lie. When Her parents said they wanted to book a session for this precious little princess, I was a little extra excited. I had known them in high school!! I am so happy for them, thier long lasting relationship, and the birth of thier absolutly BEAUTIFUL little angel.

She has definatly already got the "girl-tude", But she can pull it off. She does it in a cute way ;)

And here is Alaura

(click photos to view larger images. Quality will also improve)

I was sooo shocked when i saw how much she looks like her daddy!

This was the only usable shot we got with Alaura modeling my DIY canopy.

Such petite little fingers

My favorite shot from the whole session

Seven & Family

Meet 1 month old Seven. Yes thats his name, and I think it is absolutly perfect for him!!! He did absolutly AMAZING in his session and barely made a peep until the end. In many ways he reminded me of my little Londyn. He was a big one, Just like my little was. :) He will definatly be tall!!!

Anyways, here he is! Seven and his beautiful family.

(click photos to view larger image. It will improve the quality as well)

I loved his little diaper cover. I need to get one like that to keep as prop clothing

One of my many faves from the session. Big bro sure loves "his baby"

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